Monday, September 17, 2012

Lessons from this summer

(Written on Saturday, September 15th)
Hey there!
Woke up at 5 AM this morning to get some work done before I head to the gym, meet with a client, and work on a PowerPoint presentation I'm giving on Tuesday, and I thought I'd send a note your way to kick off the weekend!
I don't know about you, but I've been super busy with work, building my business, birthdays, live music, working out, visiting old it feels good!   And to my East Coast peeps, I'll be heading out there for Thanksgiving, so really pumped about that!
And it's been HOT here in SoCal lately!  As you can see below, I've been hitting the beach here and there just to cool off in the ocean.  My friend Hilary took this picture over Labor Day weekend, and the temperature still hasn't cooled down!

It is absolutely remarkable how time flies when your schedule is packed and you're having fun.  I can't believe we're already in September!  And what an interesting last couple months it has been.  If it's okay with you, I want to take today's newsletter to share some insights I gathered recently...
The summer was full of ups and downs, but every day I learned more and more about myself, what I want to accomplish in life, what's important to me, and the kind of people I want to surround myself with.  
At Chevron where I serve as the on-staff nutritionist and yoga instructor, we recently launched a new body transformation program.  Each week as I meet with my 22 clients, I grow increasingly excited and inspired to get out into the world in a BIG WAY, and help people get healthier and happier through nutrition and fitness.  
I love listening to my Chevron and private clients share about their lives, and I often serve not only as their nutritionist, but as their confidante and cheerleader.  We often push nutrition to the side for a moment, and spend time focusing on their emotional and mental state.  I've found this to be just as vitally important as talking about their diet.
Something I've noticed recently while observing my friends and clients, is that it's easy to look around at the things and lives of other people, and perhaps feel a bit envious, or get down on yourself for not being further along in our society's definition of success or beauty. People often get so hard and down on themselves; they get trapped and stuck in negative thoughts and mindsets based on fear and lack rather than strength and joy. 
However, the more happy and successful people I talk to, and experiences I go through, the more I've been able to shift my clients' and my own thoughts, and learned a few carrots of wisdom that clear my head and help put things into perspective:
Firstly, appearances can be deceiving.  Just because your coworker/friend/neighbor has fancy stuff or a gorgeous bod, doesn't mean that they're happy or fulfilled.  They may be spiritually or emotionally bankrupt, or have bigger problems and stressors than you could ever imagine. Never judge a book by its cover, never compare yourself to others, and practice being grateful for everything you do have in this moment.  Chances are, someone is looking at you and wishing they had all the things and people you have.
Secondly, when you're worrying about life or things you don't have, sometimes it's best to get out of your head and do something for others.  Rather than thinking about yourself all the time, get your head out of your @$$, and think about how you can be productive RIGHT NOW, or even better, how you can be of service to others.
Last month I had some things on my mind that were pulling me down, and so on a Saturday morning, I went to see my friend Courtney and helped her move to a new house.  We began at 10 AM with the packing, running up and down stairs, and lifting heavy furniture. It just so happened to be blistering hot in both her new and old places, and I didn't stop sweating from the moment I got there up until I left her around 12 AM midnight.  
But I can't tell you enough how GOOD it felt to get out of myself and help someone else.  I felt productive, like I was making a difference in her life, and she was so incredibly grateful.  Not to mention we ended up having a really fun time!  I volunteered throughout my secondary schooling and college, and I had forgotten how great it felt!  To unconditionally give my time and energy to my friend  helped me realign my thoughts and gain perspective on the things I was contemplating, so I was ready to take on the world when I woke up the next morning.
Lastly, there are no bad people or experiences in your life.  Every person you meet, and every experience you have, are all just part of the journey you need to go through to become the person you're meant to be.   There are no accidents in life, and everything happens for a reason.  Those people and events are here to teach you specific lessons, to mold and develop you.  
To follow up on that notion, every day you have a choice as to how you react to things, what you will do with the things that happen to you, and how you treat yourself and others.
It is SO EASY to look outside yourself and blame others and your circumstances for not having what you want in life.  So whether it's better health, a flat belly, more money, or a love relationship that you desire, you and only you have the power and choice to make it happen.  Life throws you opportunities each and every day to make specific choices that can alter your life's path and draw you closer towards either what you want, or what you don't want more of.
And once you choose to do something about it, the next step is to TAKE ACTION.  Do something about it! Change your negative thoughts to positive and productive ones.  Instantly implement the lessons you've learned from the people and situations around you, and you will absolutely change your life for the better.
All I ask is that when you find yourself falling into complaints, dissatisfaction, envy, or victim mode about anything in your life, stop yourself immediately.  A fantastic motivation trainer named Brendon Burchard recommends that as you pause, you ask yourself, "Where shall I focus my thoughts right now?"
So rather than feeling controlled by your thoughts and circumstances, you can choose how to think, feel, and act in every moment.
I know I may seem a bit preachy today, but I just feel so passionately about this, as lately it has applied to every single one of my clients' lives, and very much so to my own.  
If you could accomplish anything right now, if you could have the perfect body, feel completely healthy, travel anywhere in the world...what would it be?  And what step are you willing to take TODAY to start making it happen?
Hope you have a fantastic weekend folks.  If this article resonates with you, hit reply and let me know.  If you're going through any kind of health issue right now, you know that's my specialty and I am willing to do whatever it takes to help you.
In the next week or so, I'll be announcing a group health program that I will be launching in October, so definitely stay tuned for that!  If you've been wanting to work with me but are limited in terms of budget, this will be the perfect program for you.  Not only is it affordable, but it will be jam-packed with value, cutting-edge and easy health tips you can use for the rest of your life, and FUN!
In health and happiness,

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