Hey folks!
I've been settling into my new place in Hermosa Beach, lots of boxes to unpack and things to organize! We can't wait until everything is settled and we can start enjoying the beach! Here's a shot of the pier:
Today I'm very exciting to put on a cooking class for my Chevron clients. I'll be making a couple smoothies that are definitely a bit out of the ordinary, and a couple easy breezy salad recipes that take minutes to make!
Most of the participants are either at the end or just finished my 21 day detox, and not only do they feel absolutely amazing, but they look so much more vibrant!! I love hearing about their accomplishments each time we meet. And everyone is preparing and eating their own delicious meals, even the ones who despised cooking before the program!
I am running an online group detox program that begins Monday May 7th, so read the details below, email me with any questions, and let me know when you are ready to get started! There is no perfect time to do a cleanse, so just jump on it and feel better by summer!
Also in today's newsletter, I've included one of the recipes from today's cooking class. There's no excuse to not make your own healthy food each day when there are SO many recipes out there to guide you.
Enjoy your Cinco de Mayo this weekend!
New Spring Detox announcement!
STARTS NEXT MONDAY!!! Perfect for right after Cinco de Mayo tacos, margaritas, and Coronas!!
For those of you who are familiar with my detox program, you'll know that I typically offer it a couple times a year. In the past I have run the same format regardless of the season, and it has been incredibly successful for everyone.
However, in many medicinal systems, spring is an incredibly important season for cleaning out the liver, shedding winter toxins, and preparing the body for the heat of summer.
Therefore, this round I am running a cleanse that is SPECIFIC to spring. So not only will you receive the entire Revamp Your Body in 21 Days Detox, but you will also receive a Spring Detox module that will tell you exactly which foods, supplements, and exercises will most effectively heal and clean out your body for the season!
And on top of all that, you will also receive a 30-minute phone consultation with me to review where you're at right now, your goals for the program, and any questions you may have before you begin!
So if you want to clean up, look and feel fabulous by Memorial Day (and without fasting, juicing, drinking spicy lemonade mixtures, or laxative teas), you're in for a treat. One of my clients recently lost 23 pounds on the detox, while countless others have reported increased energy, clear skin, improved concentration, and just feeling GREAT overall!!
If you're ready for an incredible health lift, the program starts on MAY 7th, so sign up now to reserve your spot and schedule your consultation with me!
Check out http://nutrabrilliance.com/detox-0 for more info, and feel free to email me with any questions!
IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH THE LINK, since Paypal has been acting a little crazy lately, please email me at michelle@nutrabrilliance.com if you are ready to join!!